Kreds Limfjord Viborg afholder et gratis arrangement for kredsens medlemmer den 4. 2. 2025 i Viborg med en af Compassion Fokuseret Terapis helt store navne: Deborah Lee. Deborah Lee vil holde et onlineoplæg om sine erfaringer med C-PTSD.
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service and Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, University College London. Founding Board Member of The Compassionate Mind Foundation.
Dr Deborah Lee is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Head of Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service and OPCOURAGE Integrated Services for Veteran Mental Health for the South East of England. Dr Lee has worked in the field of trauma for 30 years and collaborated with Professor Paul Gilbert for 25 years to develop de-shaming and effective treatment for the consequences of interpersonal, shame based trauma and, Complex PTSD. She has pioneered the development of compassion focused therapy for trauma and PTSDand authored the best selling self help book, The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Recovering from Trauma and PTSD: Using Compassion-Focused Therapy to Overcome Flashbacks Shame, Guilt, and Fear (2013). New Harbinger, New York.
Since 2016, she has developed and rolled out compassionate leadership course to over 3000 NHS employees in her Trust, which is one of the first Trusts in England to embed compassionate leadership principles in its leadership framework. She now provides compassionate leadership courses and consultation to other Trusts.
She also provides self practice retreats for CFT therapists who want to learn Compassion Focused Therapy from the inside out.
Dr Lee has widely contributed to the dissemination of her clinical knowledge through writing and, delivering clinical and leadership workshops, keynote addresses, podcasts, self practice retreats in North & South America, Europe, Japan and Australia.
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