Forskningsfelt: Arbejds- og organisationspsykologi
My research is rooted in the field of work and organizational psychology and revolves around how the topic of how changes in organizations affect both employees and the organization. One major line of research I have followed is the continuous advancement of workplace intervention studies. I collaborate with organization on the design and implementation of the intervention program and conduct analyses of outcomes and processes using qualitative and mixed-methods approaches. The content of the interventions I have been involved in spans management training, participatory processes in work teams and organizational development. On the topic of change events (such as restructuring and downsizing) I study how organizational change affects employee wellbeing and in particular how change management initiatives can affect the perception and impact of change processes. I have done work on applying organization theory (such as sensemaking and actor-network theory) to work and organizational psychology topics. I am currently an associate editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology at Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School